Keeping You Healthy, Active & Pain Free

Here at Quantum Body Optimization, we do things differently. Being human is complicated but healing doesn’t always have to be. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent & obtain their own innate ability to heal themselves. Here, we take into consideration all aspects of being human, how they contribute to your pain, performance and healing journey. We look at the physical, structural, emotional and chemical insults that can occur and by identifying these roadblocks, we can remove them so that your body can restore balance and heal itself as it was naturally designed to do.
Healing happens much like an onion, in layers. To get to the root cause & eliminate pain & dis-ease, you must peel back the layers one at a time. Within each layer is a physical, chemical & emotional component that must be addressed in order for the layer to be released. Some layers release faster than others but with the amazing tool of Applied Kinesiology & muscle testing, each component and layer can be identified, addressed & corrected quicker with more efficiency. This leads to incredibly individualized treatments & plans to restore health & get you back to doing what you love faster!
Healing is also a team effort. I am here to empower you, to guide you & support you, with all the tools you need to take your health into your own hands. Your visits here will be unlike any you have experienced before, as we use your body to guide us via manual muscle testing & other modalities, which makes you much more involved in our own pain and performance optimization journey, giving you a much greater understanding of how your body and health are affected & how you can help return your body back into balance. We are here to empower YOU, by providing you with the tools you need to thrive!

What Makes Quantum Body Optimization Different?
The greatest medicine of all is to teach people not to need it!
- Hippocrates -

schedule your Complementary Discovery Consultation Here Or Call 520 - 815 – 0743
Quantum Body Optimization aims to treat the whole person addressing physical, chemical & emotional aspects to health & healing. Specializing in pain, sports medicine & performance optimization with one to one individualized care.

Meet The Doc
Dr. Whitney Donohue
Naturopathic Doctor
Professional Applied Kinesiologist
Certified NET Practitioner
& Lifestyle Medicine Expert
Dr. Whitney is a Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Scottsdale, Arizona who specializes in pain, and aims to eliminate it, not just manage it. Dr. Whitney grew up in the mountains of Colorado, always active in the outdoors and also an athlete, playing multiple sports (volleyball & basketball) year around and traveling all over the state for competitive events. With her love of sports and drive to always perform her best, it was often at the expense of her body. She found herself “living” in the training room, constantly rehabbing injuries or training to prevent them. She was obsessed with the body and its ability to perform, recover and push forward despite injury. She was always helping other teammates rehab and excessively picking the brains of the athletic trainers. With her great drive for competition, she never took any time off, causing her injuries to compile to the point that they not only affected her athletic performance but also plagued her daily life, preventing her from doing simple daily activities. This was her first experience of living with chronic pain, only the sacrifice for competition made it worth it, so she thought!
This love for anatomy and physiology carried over in to her education as she perused a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from California State University San Marcos. After working as nutrition coach and personal trainer she was always striving to learn more and optimize her own health and fitness. Following a severe back injury, her life came to a screeching halt. She watched painfully as all the races and competitive events she continued to pursue, fade away, as the months lead to years with no relief from pain. The pain from her injury was not only physically debilitating, but mentally and spiritually debilitating as well and she was desperate for relief.
Dr. Whitney set out on a journey she never expected. Her pain journey sent her into the world of natural medicine and she has never looked back. Still in her healing journey, she pursued her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ. Through her medical school journey, she was introduced to amazing doctors and new modalities, which lead her to finally become pain free and get back to her healthy and active life. In her own pursuit for healing, Dr. Whitney spent most of her weekends at seminars and conferences, personally learning the techniques that helped her heal, as she knew she needed to learn them, to help others heal in the same way. Dr. Whitney has a great passion and respect for the human body and its ability to heal itself. She has a deep understanding in the process it takes to become pain free and continues to be in the pursuit of learning techniques to help others get out of pain faster and get back to doing what they love!